3 Ways AI revolutionizing the healthcare industry

The more technology advances, the more it streamlines how businesses operate, including those in the field of healthcare. The development of more complex artificial intelligences (AIs) has made it easier for healthcare professionals to access data and manage the care of their patients. The same AI developments allow people to have more tools to better […]

The impact of technology on the healthcare industry

The integration of technology into healthcare practices has paved the way for groundbreaking innovations, enhanced patient care, and streamlined processes. From telemedicine and electronic health records to artificial intelligence (AI) and wearable devices, let’s take a look at some of the technologies shaping modern healthcare. Telemedicine Telemedicine is a game-changer in the healthcare industry, especially […]

Selecting the perfect health app or wearable for your needs

The rise of health apps and wearable tech has empowered individuals to take an active role in monitoring and improving their health. These devices and applications offer a range of features that can track various aspects of your well-being. However, not all health apps and wearable tech are created equal, and it’s crucial to consider […]

Transform your healthcare practice with online scheduling

As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, so do patient expectations. Aside from receiving high-quality care, patients now also expect convenient and hassle-free experiences when scheduling appointments with healthcare providers. You can easily exceed these expectations with an online scheduling system. An online scheduling system is a web-based software application that allows patients to schedule […]

5 Essential steps to defend against insider threats in healthcare

Among the most pressing issues that the healthcare sector must grapple with are insider threats. To protect confidential records, financial information, and patient data, healthcare organizations must take proactive measures to safeguard their systems. Here are five essential steps your healthcare business should take to protect against insider threats. Educate Healthcare employees must be thoroughly […]

Best practices for IoT security in healthcare

The Internet of Things (IoT) is estimated to reach 29 billion by 2030. While all sectors grapple with the security implications posed by this advanced technology, the healthcare industry is at particular risk because of its complex landscape and the sheer number of interconnected gadgets. In this article, we’ll discuss the best practices to keep […]

How MSPs can benefit the healthcare industry

For healthcare organizations, ensuring patient data security and privacy is a top priority. In order to achieve this, many hospitals are turning to managed IT services providers (MSPs). By outsourcing their IT needs, organizations in the healthcare sector can focus on delivering quality care while leaving the management and security of their systems to experts. […]

Your guide to choosing the right EMR system

Choosing the right electronic medical record (EMR) system for your practice is a challenging task. You need to dedicate time and effort to researching various software options in order to find one that will fit your workflow. Opting for an ineffective system may significantly set back productivity by impeding normal operations while causing frustration among […]

Crucial tips to protect customers’ PHI

If your business handles protected health information (PHI), it’s your duty to take every step possible to ensure that your clients’ data is secured. Cybercriminals often target PHI because it contains personal, medical, and financial information that they can exploit for profit. This blog will discuss best practices your business can adopt to protect your […]

Can big data lower hospital readmission rates?

Business intelligence (BI) refers to the process of gathering data and turning it into useful insights. This data can be used to make better decisions about all aspects of a business, including operations, marketing, and sales. And in today’s world, big data is crucial in enhancing processes in major industries like healthcare. BI software, which […]

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