Working from home? Stay fit with these 5 easy exercise moves

More and more people are now forced to stay at home and work remotely to contain the spread of the coronavirus. Unfortunately, those who are used to working out in the gym may find it impossible to continue their regular exercise routine. The good news is, we have compiled a list of five easy exercise […]

Stay balanced when working at home with these 7 tips

With the coronavirus disease or COVID-19 spreading around the globe at alarming levels, companies are opting to let their employees work remotely to reduce their risk of getting infected by the deadly virus. Remote working can help your employees cut down on commuting expenses and be more productive. However, it can also lead to loneliness […]

How blockchain can improve healthcare

For the non-tech-savvy, new technology trends can seem confusing. Blockchain, for instance, is a complex concept, but it has the potential to revolutionize every industry, including healthcare. That’s why you should take the time to understand what it is and what it can do for your company. What is blockchain? Although the technology is known […]

AI is transforming healthcare — here’s how

In recent years, advances in technology have had a profound impact on the healthcare industry. For instance, artificial intelligence (AI) is helping medical professionals streamline service delivery to patients. Here are some of the ways that AI is transforming the healthcare sector. Virtual personal health assistants At the helm of the AI revolution are virtual […]

Why more healthcare providers are using EMRs

Electronic medical records (EMR) are digitized versions of patients’ information. Using EMRs can significantly reduce transcription costs and the need for a large storage space to house paper records. EMRs also reduce the frequency of errors due to illegible handwriting or incomplete documentation. By transitioning from paper to digital records, healthcare providers can improve overall […]

What an MSP can do for healthcare providers

Technology is the heartbeat of modern medicine, which is why IT expertise is a skill that’s growing in importance from year to year. With the increasing complexity in data systems, managed services providers (MSPs) are more valuable than ever. Here are some things to look for in a managed services provider before you consider partnering […]

Cloud solutions have enduring value in healthcare

We’re long past the time when healthcare entities could justify being hesitant about cloud computing. It has surpassed on-site IT in terms of reliability and security if you know how to manage it properly. Just take a look at all the business benefits of cloud computing! Easy information access The increasing demand for doctors’ time […]

Choosing the right EMR system

Medical professionals should always strive to give the utmost care to their patients, not only through proper diagnosis and treatment but with the best ancillary healthcare services as well. These are improved by the use of electronic medical records (EMRs). EMRs eliminate paper charts by digitally storing patients’ medical history and treatment. EMR systems lead […]

Reasons to consider online scheduling

Top-notch care is no longer the sole criterion patients have for choosing which healthcare facility to go to. They now also look for the convenience that online scheduling delivers. Even if the use of smartphones, tablets, and other internet-connected devices has already permeated society, many healthcare facilities have trouble keeping up with the times. But […]

The rising popularity of telemedicine

Telemedicine — the practice of administering medical care remotely — is increasing in popularity because of its practicality. Most healthcare businesses have been implementing it for decades. Because of advancements in the healthcare industry, the variety of devices used, communication speed, and overall service quality, telemedicine has vastly improved recently. Making telemedicine work A key […]

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