Client of the Month: Dr. Michael Marcus

“By using Jexet as our IT consultants has helped us to stay on that cutting edge of technology necessary to outpace the competition.”

“Previously, our network was being taken care of by a dental software company. At the time we first called Jexet , we were experiencing several problems with the service given by the other company, namely unreliable service and unpredictable techs that came to our office who were not necessarily focused on correcting the problems we were experiencing.

The Obvious State of Technology Today

Do you need a computer? Do you need a server? Do you need back-up? Do you need a printer? Yep!

Business today. Most business owners agree, with the exception of some small mom and pop cutlery stores or granny knickknack shops, computers are essential for growth.

Inquiring Minds…

May I have your zip code please? You may have noticed at a variety of retail stores these days, visitors are asked their zip code when they are purchasing products. Some people say, this is just for statistical purposes so retails can figure out what areas house their biggest fans.

Escape to Picnic

International Picnic Day is coming soon on Wednesday, June 18th this year. Take an extended lunch to gather outdoors to eat and enjoy some friendly company.

Picture1Want a lunch date? What better excuse than International Picnic Day to ask a coworker or friend out to lunch.

Managed IT in Chicago

Having a good managed IT service on your side is one of the most important aspects of small business in the modern marketing landscape. Managed IT will keep your network processes running so that you will never have a bottleneck because of a technological error.

Chicago Managed IT Services

If you have a business where you hire an IT Staff, you may not be as interested in Managed IT Services, we thought we would give you some reasons why it could still benefit your business.

You can redeploy your current IT Staff to train users on applications:

When Jexet is managing your computer network, your IT Staff is now free to train users to use the tools your company pays good money for.

Server Maintenance in Chicago

If you are at a larger company, you may have some servers in a back room somewhere which serves all the data for your clients.  Though having these servers onsite certainly comes with some advantages, there are circumstances where The Cloud may make sense and some situations where The Cloud will not make sense.

Find out how you can avoid malware attacks with our indispensable guideStart Reading