Server Maintenance in Chicago

businessman hold umbrella in server roomIf you are at a larger company, you may have some servers in a back room somewhere which serves all the data for your clients.  Though having these servers onsite certainly comes with some advantages, there are circumstances where The Cloud may make sense and some situations where The Cloud will not make sense.

If you have a slower internet connection like a T-1 line and you work with larger graphics files, an offsite solution would probably cause you more issues than you could solve with the cloud hosting.

But if you have fiber internet, and you have data you want to be secured as well as accessible from anywhere, then you should call Jexet about our colocation services in Chicago.

Bear in mind if you are accessing the files remotely, then the files will only make it as fast as your data can come in through whatever connection you are on.  If this is a consistent problem, a modified DFS system could be more appropriate for you.

Give Jexet a call today to get the servers out of the back room where there are in danger of fire, flood and inconsistent updates.

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