For many small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), resources can be scarce and, very often, IT takes a back seat. Hyperconverged IT infrastructures are a great way to keep your IT updated without the heavy expenses normally associated with it. What are hyperconverged infrastructures? In a traditional IT environment, networking, server, and storage hardware need to […]
Why hyperconvergence could be the solution your business needs
What you need to know about virtualization
Keeping costs low and productivity high are keys to business success, but these aren’t easy to achieve if you’re relying on traditional in-house servers. Virtualization is one solution to this challenge, so let’s take a closer look at how it works. What is virtualization? Virtualization is the creation of a virtual version of a device […]
Backup challenges in data virtualization
Despite having many advantages over conventional data storage, data virtualization still needs backup, an essential security measure to protect data. Here are some common challenges you need to overcome to successfully back up your virtualized data. Data virtualization involves taking all enterprise data stored in different local computers or systems, and moving them to a […]
3 Things to consider with virtualization
Virtualization can help boost operational efficiencies like never before, but there are a few concerns you need to address before implementing it.
10 Essential virtualization terms
Virtualization, or the act of moving physical systems to a digital environment, has become one of the most sought-after tech solutions by small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). While the technology is popular, it has many potentially confusing terms associated with it. To help, we have created a short glossary of 10 popular virtualization terms. 1. […]
4 Common misconceptions about virtualization
Small businesses can accomplish a lot by implementing virtualization in their office IT network. Unfortunately, many SMBs shy away from it because of various misconceptions. Here are four myths about virtualization you should stop believing. Myth #1 – Virtualization is too expensive for SMBs Many people assume that the more advanced an IT solution is, […]
3 Potential issues to watch out for during virtualization
Virtualization can boost operational efficiencies like never before, but you have to understand that the benefits aren’t always immediate. As valuable as it is, it does come with flaws to those who don’t know how to properly adopt it. Here are a few concerns that can become an issue in virtualization adoption. Backing up data […]
3 Common storage virtualization issues
Your data storage virtualization plan can go awry when done hastily, causing your business to miss out on the benefits of virtualization altogether. To guide you, we highlighted three of the most common storage virtualization problems you may encounter. Poorly structured storage from the get go Within a virtualized data storage framework, information is grouped into […]
Is virtualization right for your company?
Virtualization has become a popular solution for many businesses to back up servers, upgrade hardware, or move to the cloud. Deploying virtualized systems has proven cost-effective and efficient for many companies, but is it right for your organization? Here are some factors you ought to consider. The advantages One of the most significant advantages of […]
Why virtualization fails
Virtualization has become commonplace in small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). After all, the idea of gaining the benefits of having an IT infrastructure without actually having to purchase pricey and space-consuming physical equipment makes it an appealing option. While virtualization is popular, migrations from physical to virtual systems are not always successful. Following are six […]