8 Tendencies Of Bad Decision Makers

At one point in my career, after I’d started, grown and sold a couple of businesses, I thought I knew everything there was to know about making good decisions. After all, I was a success! But it took me a few years to realize that, in many respects, I still had a lot to learn about making the best calls.

What is Structured Cabling? and Why You Should Care

In most office settings, people generally pay little attention to what goes on “behind the scenes.” Why? Usually it’s because they don’t understand or have no interest. Think about it, have you really ever wondered how your phone rings or how your computer works? You don’t, your main focus is that they work.

The Jexet Advantage

Managed network solution is a service that molds your IT network to your needs and then continues to help you maintain that network. With the help of service professionals, your data will be protected and accessible even in the case of a system shutdown or emergency.

Leadership Is Lacking

Professor and leadership expert James O’Toole once said that “95% of American managers today say the right thing… 5% actually do it.” I’m confident this is more true today than ever before. When I look around at the current business landscape, I see poor leadership destroying companies from the inside out.

Shiny New Gadget Of The Month: Introducing The Snap SmartCam

Today, the security of your home is more important than ever before. Lawbreakers are constantly getting bolder, and as our technology advances, they switch up their tactics. With that in mind, all of us should be on the lookout for a security camera that’s difficult to spot, is intelligent about the footage it collects, and grabs high-quality footage to identify burglars.

Top 4 Ways Hackers Will Attack Your Network

And They Are Targeting You RIGHT NOW

Most small and midsize business (SMB) owners exist in a bubble of blissful ignorance. They focus on the day-to-day operations of their organization, driving growth, facilitating hiring and guiding marketing, without a single thought given to the security of the computer networks these processes depend on.

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