Inquiring Minds…

What is a 404 page? A 404 page is delivered when you ask a webpage for something it cannot find. It’s not rocket science, it’s not your computer, the silly site really just needs a little fine tuning. Many of us find these error pages at the worst time. We feel as if our search was led for nothing.

Don’t worry, there are plenty of other errors that could have been far worse. For example, a “400 page” is when you’ve made a bad request. A “401 page” is when you are unauthorized to view the content you’re trying to access, a “402” is when you can’t view the page without paying someone, and “403” is just forbidden. So, the next time you find a “404 page” or worse, don’t worry, navigate back to the home page and start again or contact the company directly via e-mail or phone.

What’s on your 404 page? I know it is the last thing on your mind but, all 404 pages should have a little information in order to comfort visitors and guide them to a better place. Things like your company home page link, your phone number, a contact form or e-mail are great additions for a 404 page. Check with your website administrator today to see what yours says so you don’t miss the opportunity to connect with visitors.

Apple picking: Hang on to your devices! Thieves are now looking to pickup more than just your wallet or purse. That’s right, they are now plucking handheld devices like cell phones, tablets and other electronics right out of the owners hands on the street.

Imagine this, you’re reading through a fresh batch of work e-mails while you walk in and out of stores with your family. Then all of the sudden, someone rides by on a bicycle and snags your smartphone right out of your hands. Before you can even file the report at the police station, the crook has duplicated your data, wiped and pawned your treasured device.

"Apple picking" is a new term developed from the most commonly snatched devices like iPhones, iPods and iPads. In larger cities across the nation, this new style of thievery is on the rise. New York alone reports roughly 12% of thefts are attributed to this “picking” phenomenon.

Protect yourself and spread the word. Be aware of your surroundings when you are out and about. Don’t leave your device sitting on a counter, table, bench, or register when shopping and always backup your data securely. If you use your personal device for work or have a work device, look into remote wiping capabilities to ensure your company data is safe even if you device is lost or stolen.

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