We’ve been working with Jexet since 2011. They came at a time when I was very frustrated with our current IT provider. We were a little too small for them. They didn’t have the time to support us in the way we needed to be supported. Jexet has been very responsive. They’ve always helped us with any hardware needs, software needs or user training and we do use a lot of packages for new technology and our users have to be up to speed on that technology and our systems have to work. We have clients across the country and around the world so we rely on reliable access to our system and to communications everywhere.
Jexet has been a help to us in many areas, not only being responsive to us when we’re in trouble or need help but also giving us a feeling of total care. We know we can call them about anything and they will respond to us, just as clients come to us with their inventions to get a patent on new technology. We have to listen to them, we have to be responsive to what they’re saying and then we have to apply our skills to give them the best services in patent law. Jexet does the same for us. They hear us when we have a problem or an issue or when we need to be moving forward in our technology and they support us in giving us the tools we need to be able to help give people get patents on their inventions."
Rebecca Beem
Operations Manager, Beem Patent Law