Attention Business Owners Suffering
From Spam Overload…

Call Us Before November 30th And We’ll Eliminate (99%) Of The Spam E-mails You’re Currently Getting

Absolutely Free!

If you are absolutely fed up with the number of spam e-mails you get every day and worried about the viruses they carry, this could be the most important letter you’ll read all year.

Thanks to a new breakthrough in e-mail filtering technology, we can now eliminate up to (99%) of all spam you’re currently getting without interfering with the e-mail messages you want to receive.

Best of all, this service won’t require you to purchase, install, or maintain expensive hardware and software! We’re so certain that you are going to love this service that we’ve decided to give the first month’s service away for free on a trial basis so you can try it first-hand without any risk.

At no charge we will…

  • Stop virus-riddled spam without interfering with legitimate e-mails or “false-positives” that aggravate end users.
  • Stop employees from spreading e-mail borne viruses to each other and to your clients.
  • Reclaim precious bandwidth for business activities instead of storing and processing spam e-mails.

Remember, you are under no obligation to buy anything. After the 30-day free trial is up, you can choose to continue receiving this service or you can cancel and owe absolutely nothing!

To sign up for a free month of spam filtering call us at 312-593-7179 or fill out the form above.

FREE: Stop Annoying Spammers From Invading Your Inbox Finally
and Forever!

Call us before November 30th for a free month of spam filtering! We’re giving this away to introduce a new service we’re offering to all our clients that is a simple, inexpensive, and incredibly easy way to eliminate annoying spam messages.

HURRY! Offer Ends
November 30th!

Eliminate 99% Of Your Spam Emails

Fill in the form below for your 30 day FREE trial

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Important! We hate spam as much (or more!) than you and promise to NEVER rent, share, or abuse your e-mail address and contact information in
any way.
Client Testimonial 01

We have a dental practice located in downtown Chicago. We are a father and son dentistry team and are both graduates of Loyola University School of Dentistry.

Dr. Michael Marcus, Michael Marcus, D.D.S., Ltd.

Client Testimonial 02

I have had my dental practice for almost 25 years in South Holland, Illinois. Our Office do implants, whitening, bridge work and dentures. I also have advanced training in orthodontics including the new invisaline techniques.

Dr. Albert F Gruber, B.S. D.M.D.

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