Goal Setting Doesn’t Work (And Santa Claus May Not Exist)

By Darren Hardy

When we were kids, we thought we could write down a list of everything we wanted and mail it to the North Pole. When we grew up, we realized there wasn’t really a big roly-poly guy who delivered presents. A real person had to earn the money, march through shopping malls, wrestle the presents home, wrap them up, and place them under the tree.

The Jexet Technology Times | June 2017

Use This App To Pinpoint Dangerous Drivers.
The open road is full of jerks and road rages, and a new app is taking them on. Nexar asks you to mount your phone to your dashboard, and it will monitor surrounding traffic. If someone starts driving dangerously, it will ask if you want to record what’s going on with a 30-second video.

The Jexet Technology Times | May 2017

The Cloudflare Screw-up: Have your passwords been compromised?
Little bugs can cause huge problems. Like when web performance and security company Cloudflare’s code upgrade leaked sensitive data to 3,438 unique domains this past February. Everything from API keys to personal data was exposed.

Believe You Can Be Extraordinary

I left my home some 7,000 miles away with little money in my pocket. I was eager – and just 17.

My father died when I was six, and I came to America for college with the words of my mother still ringing in my ears: “If you want to be a great person, you have to walk side by side, hand in hand, with great people.

The Jexet Technology Times | April 2017

As of January 31, “outsiders” can now Skype into the White House Press Room. This enables journalists outside the Washington, DC, area to ask questions during White House press briefings. It’s part of the Trump administration’s strategy to keep in touch with people outside the beltway.

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