IT Compliance and HIPAA

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In the modern business world, we see a lot of communication takes place through email. This includes everything from invoices, memos, agreements and negotiations. Because much of today's business communication is virtualized, we have seen laws regarding network security that business owners need to adhere to. They placed these compliance standards into action to protect private and sensitive customer information. What are some of the most common network compliance regulations?

First, we have HIPAA, which is a set of regulations that were designed to protect the information of patients. Today, a lot of the healthcare providers send information and scheduling electronically, which means compliance with HIPAA becomes vital. Second, we have PCI compliance, which is used for the Payment Card Industry. These regulations protect the credit card information of customers, and it ensures that companies have stored, processed and transmitted the information in a way that maintains a secure environment.

Next, there is FRCP compliance, which means Federal Regulations on Civil Procedures. This type of compliance has been designed to protect courts and litigation parties. As a business owner, it can sometimes be difficult to determine if you comply with the necessary regulations. However, a specialized IT professional can help to make sure that you are doing things that meets the standards of the industry. You do not want to violate compliance because you can face ridiculously high fines for a data breach.

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