Ready for the Cloud?

cloudJexet Technologies of Chicago can help you figure out when to make the important decision of relocating to the cloud, bringing your company’s communication up to par. If you feel that your current call service isn’t making the grade, then it may be time to switch. Here’s how you can make the call:

• You’ve come to realize that your IT workers spend all their time handling issue after issue. This is a sure sign that it's time to make the switch. Cloud service takes care of upgrades and other features, freeing your IT staff to do their real job.

• You’re running into communication issues with your employees, and not just those who are traveling. When even your in-house communication is suffering, jump on the cloud and experience the many benefits of features like conferencing.

• You’re paying a high cost to maintain your current equipment. Also, you face the expense of adding features and additional lines. With the cloud’s VoIP, you no longer have to worry about those costs, saving your company’s capital.

• You’ve been hearing a lot about disaster recovery. Data loss is a major problem, and switching to the cloud gives you a great backup plan that keeps your business from grinding to a standstill.

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