Enjoy Your Vacation Worry-free With A Disaster Recovery Plan To Cover Your IT Needs!

While planning your trip itinerary, don’t forget to implement or review your business’s IT disaster recovery plan. This one small step can save you a world of worry while you are away this summer.

Expect the unexpected. The last thing any business owner wants to receive while on vacation is a frantic call requesting an early return to work because an IT system is down and business has come to a screeching halt. Face it, one IT system failure could mean a significant loss of revenue if you’re stuck waiting for assistance to get your company up and running again. Prepare an IT Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) to ensure your company is covered in any situation.

Where do I start? You cannot manage your systems effectively until you know exactly what you have. The first step in designing a disaster recovery plan is to take inventory. Make a list of all your IT hardware, critical software applications, and essential data. This list will help you build a plan of action to get your company up and running after any type of disaster.

Begin building your plan. IT Disaster Recovery Planning is the process of developing a set course of action to follow when recovering from an IT interruption. To build a sufficient plan, use your IT inventory as a base to explore and write down specific details and procedures for your business’s directive.

Don’t forget to include the following essential details like plans to address the most common headaches your organization may experience like hardware failure, natural disasters, or even theft. Contact information for essential personnel and the order to contact them. Contact information for all critical vendors like your IT management company, utility providers (alarm, power and Internet) and insurance company to make a claim. Include the order to call each contact.

Remember, the primary goal of any disaster recovery plan is to give your organization direction in a time of need, minimize the damages, and prevent further loss. The most important question to consider is, will the plan work?

Your recovery will only be as good as your back-up. Can you recall a backup of any file on your server any time? If not, it’s time to review your back-up solution. Consider an automatic off-site back-up to secure your company data with the most reliable and economical option available today. Capture copies of all the software and data your company uses daily so you never have to worry about losing your company information again.

Why plan? Imagine, you’ve just arrived at your favorite vacation spot and you’re ready for a little rest and relaxation. Tomorrow is Monday, the office will live without you, right?

2:00 am rolls around and the phone rings. It’s the alarm company for your business. “Your office security system has been breached,” the voice on the phone explains, “it seems that a door from the roof has been accessed. We have an officer in route now.” You’re instantly filled with anger and fear. You are half way around the world and your business needs you. What is your first move?

Follow your IT Disaster Recovery Plan. All you can think is, “I hope we can still do business today.” Then you make the calls. That’s right, follow your IT Disaster Recover Plan. Your office manager is happy to meet the police onsite.

Soon, you receive an update from your office detailing the damages. A number of the computer towers are missing, the server room was ransacked and a few printers were also removed. Your office manager has all the details to work with your insurance company and report the crime, collaborate with your IT management company to order new hardware, and setup everyone’s laptops with all the necessary software and file access to continue business immediately.

Don’t sweat it, your recovery is in motion. When disaster strikes, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your recovery plan was designed to help your business recover when there is a loss, even when you are away. By the start of business just a few hours later, your company is up and running with loaner equipment and laptop computers filled with your software and information restored from your company back-up.

Don’t delay, if you’re interested in a review of your current plan or a new IT Disaster Recovery Plan for your business, give us a call today!

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