We are the restoration company. We do emergency services for fire and floods. And we’re also a commercial construction company that does everything, full-service construction. We didn’t have anybody supporting our network before. The company was very small.It started in 2011 with only two people. In just 3 years, we hired 10 more and we’re continuously growing. That’s why we had to call Jexet, because our personal PC support wasn’t good enough for the business. We were all on a network, but we didn’t have any shared files. And they were all personal computers. They didn’t have the capacity to hold all the files that we had. We were only on a small Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi wasn’t strong enough to hold the business. Now that Jexet has upgraded us to the cloud, it’s always working. The computer is never down. We all have shared files. We all have access from any remote place we want to access the cloud from. It made our business very productive. Before, I used to spend 10 hours a week troubleshooting problems, fixing network problems or recreating documents that were lost. But now I never do anything, Jexet saved us almost $1,000 per week, $52000 a year. That cost we paid them – I think Jexet is paying for itself. They have done everything they can to try to accommodate us. And we’re just very grateful that they’re there at our service when we need them to be."
It started in 2011 with only two people. In just 3 years, we hired 10 more and we’re continuously growing. That’s why we had to call Jexet, because our personal PC support wasn’t good enough for the business.”
It started in 2011 with only two people. Now we have 12 people. So over the last three years, we grew. That’s why we had to call Jexet, because our personal PC support wasn’t good enough for the business
Lina Palomino
Office Manager of Real Restoration Group