Here’s a shocker to most business owners: Your bank often can NOT reclaim money stolen from your bank account due to fraud or cyber-crime. That means if money gets drafted from your business bank account from a hacker, phishing attack, identity theft or by any other means, you have little to no chance of getting it back.
Here’s an important question for anyone using cloud applications to host important files and data: Are you routinely downloading and backing up a copy of your files to your own servers? If not, you’re taking a BIG risk of losing all that data. By now you should know to backup the data on your PCs and server offsite to the cloud; but what you might not have considered is the practice of downloading your data from critical cloud applications as a security measure against that cloud provider closing their doors, losing your data or simply cutting you off.
How many @’s, %’s and other crazy symbols are in your password right now? Are they really all that necessary? According to a recent Carnegie Mellon study, the answer is no. The only thing that really influences your password strength is its length! Not whether it has X minimum characters or Y maximum characters.
Do you struggle with scheduling appointments with clients and vendors, trading e-mails back and forth to find the right time to meet?
With’s self-service scheduling solutions, you automate the scheduling process—accelerating your sales and customer service while completely eliminating e-mail tag with clients or prospects.
The Importance of Computer Diagnostics and Tune Ups
Just like a surgeon, mechanic or an engineer, Chicago computer support experts use specialty tools to complete a project. These tools enable our team to accurately diagnose and repair problems that are causing your computer or peripheral devices to malfunction.
The Importance of Computer Diagnostics and Tune Ups
Just like a surgeon, mechanic or an engineer, Chicago computer support experts use specialty tools to complete a project. These tools enable our team to accurately diagnose and repair problems that are causing your computer or peripheral devices to malfunction.
Personal Data Loss Prevention Strategies
Data loss can be frustrating at the minimum. Loss of important personal files such as photos, financial details and writings can be devastating. You may be secure in your ability to manage and organize your files, but a single incident can prove just how vulnerable you are to data management missteps.
Benefits of Working with IT Companies Using Storage Area Networks
The more advanced computer systems and networks become, the more confusing some of the labels can be. One of the biggest challenges facing companies as they depend more and more on computer services is the safeguarding of company data.
Benefits of Working with IT Companies Using Storage Area Networks
The more advanced computer systems and networks become, the more confusing some of the labels can be. One of the biggest challenges facing companies as they depend more and more on computer services is the safeguarding of company data.
Chicago IT Specialists Can Help You Address Vulnerabilities in Your Children's Computers
Kids’ computers seem to be especially prone to virus and malware problems. This is primarily due to the lack of understanding children have of the serious nature of adverse files and information.