Don’t Let It Happen
Again This Year… Three New Years Resolutions
To Make In 2012

2012 has arrived! Have you made any New Years resolutions yet? Besides resolving to spend more time with family and friends, getting fit, and getting organized, have you made any New Years resolutions for your business? Looking at your current computer network and reviewing your past year’s network support and services, are you saying to yourself “I’m not going to let this happen again in 2012”! Do any of your New Year’s resolutions include dealing with continually pesky computer network issues?

Do Your Resolutions Look Anything Like This?

  • RESOLVED, double pinkie shake, I WILL get my critical company data automatically backed up and offsite daily. Whether through fire, natural disaster, tape failure, or just human error, one day I might lose all of my company data which will cost me plenty.
  • RESOLVED, I will finally STOP do-it-yourself computer repair. Few business people would attempt do-it-yourself insurance; so why do I or any super-user on my staff think that we can keep up with the increasingly complex, fast changing demands of a computer network?
  • RESOLVED, I will fire my current IT guy who doesn’t return my phone calls, makes me wait hours – even days – before he actually comes out to see us, charges more than we expected, and then doesn’t follow up to make sure that we are satisfied with the work.

FREE Computer Network Audit Gets You On The Road To Keeping Your Resolutions And Eliminating Your Day-To-Day
Computer Headaches

For FREE, We Will Come To Your Office And…

  • Check your firewall’s security settings to make sure you are protected from the latest hacker attacks, worms and viruses.
  • Scan and remove spyware that is secretly stealing your company’s bandwidth, jeopardizing the speed of your computer system, and embezzling confidential information about you, your employees, and your business.
  • Check your network’s back-up system to ensure it is working properly and accurately backing up all of the critical files and information you never want to lose.
  • Verify that you have the most up-to-date security patches installed properly; miss one critical update and you’re a “sitting duck”.
  • Diagnose slow, unstable PCs.
  • Perform a quick network “tune-up” to make programs and files load faster.

Claim Your Free Network Audit Today By Filling Out
The Form On The Right

New Years Special!

FREE Network Audit Fill in the form below to get your network running
FAST and SMOOTH again (a $297 value)

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"I can have peace of mind. I can focus on selling cars instead of fixing computers!"

Availability of service in a timely manner is the most important factor to my company when choosing an IT service. Jexet Technologies has kept me out of jail, because if my data were lost, I would have had to break the arm of our old computer guy. Jexet Technologies impressed me most because they knew how to do an assessment of our system and recommended an action plan for us to follow. They gave me an action plan that even I could understand…in plain English.

I am confident that if something does happen with my computer system, Jexet Technologies will be able to get me up and going again in a timely manner. I no longer have to worry about my employee’s downtime. Personally, I have found that I can have peace of mind, because my cost of finding documents when needed have been greatly reduced.

I recommend Jexet Technologies because I feel that they are very competent to solve any computer problem. I know they have great employees who have the knowledge base to do anything computer related. At last, I can focus on selling cars instead of fixing computers.

Chester Vorsuk, Owner Union auto sales

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